Power Outbreak

It's stormy, yeah because of the storm called frank. It's very boring here, black-out so there is no much to do. In the morning I take a bath in the rain or I say the storm. The raindrops hurts so much. The raindrops hit like coins smashing your back. But I don't mind, I still continue to drown myself in the storm.

I pick up my bike, a bmx type that you can do stunts with but I only know 3 or less of those. Then I stroll around inside our subdivision. All the sides of the streets are running with floods! Biking is so much harder when flood is in the way. Floods, heavy rain and stormy winds didn't stop me to enjoy my day.

I was tired. I decided to rest for awhile in the basketball court, with no cover at all in the storm! Suddenly I have this great crazy idea to waste my time again. Fetch my bike then ride back all the way back to my house. Soaked an cold, I entered my room. Text Eric, my best bud that lives in a neighboring barrangay. I ask him if he could come to play basketball, in the storm!

Playing in outside in a storm is another weird idea of mine. I have nothing to do, so many time to think great things, not to mention freaky ones. In my house I just eat, sleep and breath.

At the court, i shoot some hoops. Made shooting impossible because of the strong winds but i manage to put some scores down. Maybe a 32% field goal percentage. I practiced my lay-ups even when the ball is slippery. Total Killed time, approximately 40 minutes!

I got home, and I was so dirty from head to toe! Grab my towel and off shower I go.

Refreshed! again.. it was 1:00 pm or so, still no power. Still storming. I use the remaining hours of the day sleeping, reading some books that I don't understand and making poems for a special girl in my life.


  1. Lon...! Welcome to the Blogging World...!

    dramAtic sng imo sTorm sTory...hehehe!

    wenUr in Luv, even though depressing kung minsan...its woRth reAlizing that you have loved someone.

    According to the Bible daw from Nuggets of wisdom... LET love be your greatest aim...


    latest post koh parteh sa Camandag Elem. School nga gin stayan ta sa Leon naguba

  2. thanks, first time ko.. ^^, i don't read the bible anymore.. :sigh:


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