Walking with My Shadow

My Shadow resemblance that I call "Synmuh Zurh"
I stretch at 18 on August 26.. Many questions overwhelm me, added to the previous ones yet to be answered..
2 Mentors I shared my high school days once said that this is my crucial time, a lot will change in my own line of sight.. I will be somehow troubled they said, and a social event that I call disaster will happen.. But that time will not kill me.. just.. to change me.. for the better..
Yeah, I know it already.. So much drama that I can barely take.. My own personality isn't fit to do what the circumstances direct.. When I lost my dream girl in a sin.. I am the one to blame.. And I suffer every bit of my heart strings.. I decided to let her go, not to worry anymore.. She doesn't love me now, so why hold on for nothing? A fairy tale as she tell, that has a down pit cruel ending..
I have moments yet till December where I faced my own.. I will be ready and continue for my own will.. to manage all and be free to whom I recall.. Even the sadness of every time I can bring, just to be excused for lying.. Maybe the truth is not the reality but a pardon of everything life should be..
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