September 25, 2008

Hey, I Dreamed of You Last Night..

It's not so typical of myself to dream..
I usually don't have those even most people said that all of us dream, we just can't remember it..

But it happened last night.. I don't know or maybe its just a coincidence that I remember its our assignment in Psych 10. I was worried I have nothing to report 'cause of my dream condition.

I don't like this dream at all, after I write it down.. I will erase or even condense it in the back of my mind.

The dream goes:

I was alone, in a dark gloomy place.. Then, the scene change.. I was in the classroom with all of our classmates and especially you.. Funny thing is, all of the faces in that room was blurry except yours.. Yours is so radiant and captivating.

She draws me closer, a warm in my heart. she smile.. and the scene change..

Its like in a bar, (remembering that there will be an upcoming G.A. of UP Tanggeroes in Saturday) She asked me if we will go, and I said yes. A question popped in my mind, is she interested to come too? But in that time I was shy to ask..

Same scene but the crowd seem to vanish, somehow we are holding hands.. I wonder why.. Time passed, pure silence. I have this urge to kiss her but afraid to do so. (In that dream state, I forgot the reason why it's forbidden)

The time is so intense, full of questions rambling in my head..
I was so confused and uneasy but the dream ended.. When she smiled at me once again..


(Side Comments)
Honestly I moved on with this dilemma. Wonder why I dreamed about her.
She is a friend of mine, and she hates me for many reasons that i cause.
But hey we are fine now. And I'm happy just to be that way..


  1. Wow, it's really amazing how beautiful and strange dreams can be. I'm Jess. I was looking for an anime picture and it sent me to your page. I never ever read anyone else's blogs, but I glanced at this dream that you wrote and it kind of drew me into reading the rest of them. Your poems are really lovely. I mean, I know it's weird to write this, and I'm sure it's strange for you to hear this, but I feel like I felt the room stopped and I could see the dream happening and feel the poems. I guess I'm just weird like that, but I wanted to tell you that they're really amazing.

  2. Hey Syn...well...I havta say, I finally found your blog. You gave it to me in one word instead of two. I gotta say, I'm surprised. No offense, but you write better than you're letting on. Almost seems like you're a different person here than you are live.


A Song for You

The stars are bright, I think I miss you wondering what you're up too.. You have this charm, and I don't know it's pulling m...