February 13, 2009

Many Things to Look by, and Wonder Again if it Will Last

So I know how to construct a "proper" paragraph. Thanks to my English 11 professor, Professor Zarragosa, i manage to acquire some know-how to build awesome sentences in nowhere, how to tie them up together to give a one main topic in every paragraph. To bad I always forget the guidelines so that sometimes when I write in my Blog, it is always and has been always mixed-up. Maybe my mind doesn't work how it used to be in my high school days, I don't know.

Valentines Day is coming tomorrow, the celebration of how the Saint, Valentine, got murdered. I don't have any complementary information about it 'cause the lack of interest. But if you would like to find out what really happened to him, I suggest you search him in Wikipedia. I learn from that site a lot.

I lost track again. Look at the second paragraph. It is in shambles. Funny thing is, I can forget a thing or two in less than a minute or so. This troubles me 'cause of our exams. I don't find it somehow difficult but if I study more, it would be easy as it was. Maybe I should focus my mind to regain my mental strength once more.

Lastly, i would like to put on this post my troubles lately, the most confusing idea i had. Think about someone you love before. Do you sometimes feel you don't want to let her go? This thoughts jabber to my mind everyday. I have no means of an outlet to share this feelings to, but to my one and only Blog right here. It's strange, I believe I don't take the song seriously of Blink 182's "Miss you" with lyrics Hello there, the angel from my nightmare.. but it is somehow the main idea of my current dreams. Wild as it is, i dreamed of her often that i wanted to. Maybe my conscience tells me I still love her, but i think that idea is ridiculous 'cause I believe I don't love her now how I used to loved here before. Still searching for an answer to this day, what do this things mean?

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  1. Syn, do you have MSN? It's Thas here. Thastalos. Your old friend from Monstersgame. I'm sorry I had left the forums for so long. But I checked back every once in a while, though. I want to talk to you. I'll check back here in a couple days, if you reply.

  2. Hello Thas! Long time no see.. Miss you guys.. I have no msn but I'll do create one if I have time.. but I have yahoo messenger if you would like.. =)

  3. aist . de pu acu tga UP . TUP pu ung skuL cu .


A Song for You

The stars are bright, I think I miss you wondering what you're up too.. You have this charm, and I don't know it's pulling m...