So I uploaded 9 pictures and the only one that came up is the last one.. What came up? Well try to find the answer.. a coding error or I'm so hyped up that I forgot the instructions?
It's not so typical of myself to dream.. I usually don't have those even most people said that all of us dream, we just can't remember it.. But it happened last night.. I don't know or maybe its just a coincidence that I remember its our assignment in Psych 10. I was worried I have nothing to report 'cause of my dream condition. I don't like this dream at all, after I write it down.. I will erase or even condense it in the back of my mind. The dream goes: I was alone, in a dark gloomy place.. Then, the scene change.. I was in the classroom with all of our classmates and especially you.. Funny thing is, all of the faces in that room was blurry except yours.. Yours is so radiant and captivating. She draws me closer, a warm in my heart. she smile.. and the scene change.. Its like in a bar, (remembering that there will be an upcoming G.A. of UP Tanggeroes in Saturday) She asked me if we will go, and I said yes. A question popped in my mind, is she interested to com...
I said I thank you, I'll always thank you More than you could know, than I could ever show And I love you, I'll always love you There's nothing I won't do, to say these words to you That you're beautiful forever This song is for my mom! I miss you! =) Video here: Please watch! Hope you take care of yourself.. Love you ma!
Find a new awesome article posted by my friend, his blog Having a hard time getting over your fresh break-up? Can't forget about her/him? Maybe these steps will help. Take her off that pedestal Don't idolize her and build her up into something great. She is nothing of the sort. So don't gaze lovingly at pictures of her. Don't jump to answer her e-mail or phone calls. And definitely don't go out of your way for her. She no longer deserves preferential treatment. Get closure It's essential to definitively end any hopes of reconciliation between the two of you. And if you can't get that into your head, she owes you the courtesy of it crystal clear. She needs to tell you: "I never loved you. I don't love you now. We'll never get back together." After some prodding, she'll probably do it, just to get rid of you. It provides what therapists call "closure." And you can begin to heal. Don't contact her After the relationship reac...
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